How To Get An “A” in Every Examination


Book Introductions

What is your dream? You can achieve it if you have a strong desire, a plan, and never give up. One of your plans should be to get excellent grades in every exam you take.

This book is for you if you are a student or professional that needs to take exams, and you are looking for the best study techniques, tricks and habits to help you perform at your optimum. I wrote this book because I have seen so many brilliant and smart students do poorly in exams. This is often not their fault. In school, you are taught geometry, calculus, biology, English etc, etc. But nobody teaches you how to do well in examinations. Isn’t this an awful omission? After all, you need to do well in different types of exams before you can move on to the next level in your academic career. No one will give you a scholarship to college or grad school is you don’t get excellent grades.

Meet Dr. Kyei

Hi there, my name is George Kyei. My medical school classmates call me Consistency (Consi). You can call me George, Consi, Dr. George, doc, or whatever. It’s all good. I am originally from Ghana where I went to high school and medical school. Afterwards, I got a full scholarship to do my PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. After graduating with a mention of distinction, I came to Washington University in Saint Louis where I completed a residency in Internal Medicine, a fellowship in Infectious Diseases and a postdoctoral fellowship in HIV biology. I now do HIV research and take care of patients. I got interested in study and exam techniques when I was in high school. These habits have served me through medical school, two graduate schools and various medical licensing examinations. I believe anyone can learn these study techniques and do excellently in their exams. That is why I wrote this book.
JayJay is an entrepreneur as well and acquired his business management education from non-degree Fellowships run by Dartmouth College and Ohio University, both in the United States under the USG’s Young African Leaders Initiative, and holds a MSc. in International Business from the University of Ghana Business School. He is in current pursuit of a doctorate degree in Business Administration from a European university. He writes novels like this, and future ones, as a hobby.

Book Preview

My hope is that this book will motivate you to focus, manage your time and use the best study techniques out there to help you excel in every exam or test you take. As a basic scientist, I am a minimalist, so I write the minimum for maximum impact. No fluff. This book is short, straightforward and the suggestions are tried and tested. And they work.

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This is a familiar story. Two buddies are seniors in high school, they have similar IQ scores. John uses proper study habits, test taking and academic skills that enable him to pass his exams with A’s. James does not use effective study skills or the best methods available and gets mostly B’s. They both get into college. John gets a scholarship but James does not. At the end of 4 years, James is in debt tens of thousands of dollars. John is debt free. What made the difference is not their intelligence, but their grades! Can you imagine that? Simple grades saving you years of debt and stress? Therefore, it is critical to use the best test taking skills. It may just prevent you from taking those expensive student loans for college or grad school.


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Randy Annan